Intro [10 mins]


Who should be here


Meet Your Facilitators

Selecting Levels [5 mins]

We’re currently expecting that most people will be at the panda level but we can consider doing a fox or even a cheetah course if there’s more than 5 people ready at that level.

🐼 Panda Level

I want to go from 0 to 1.

I know how to write formulas in Google Sheets and Notion databases, but I am new or extremely rusty at Python. I want to learn the basics of loading, transforming & visualizing data. I want to learn the basics of reading blockchain data via a blockexplorer, and querying that data with basic SQL queries.

By the end of this course, I should be able to fire up a Jupyter Notebook, load a CSV file, run some functions on the data, and make a not beautiful but useful chart.

🦊 Fox Level

I want more data.

I know how to work with dataframes, but my issue is extracting and cleaning data from different sources. I want to learn how to work with APIs, write crawlers, and join data that comes from different sources on the internet.

By the end of this course, I should be able to write a GraphQL query to fetch data from Ethereum Attestation Service, normalize blobs of metadata, and ping the Etherscan API to get additional info about each attestation.

🐆 Cheetah Level

I want to share insights.

I know how to get and process data, but I want to make beautiful charts and interactive data visualizations. I want to deploy lightweight web apps. I want to learn the different charts and visualization libraries, and I want control over every little styling detail.

By the end of this course, I should be able to make an interactive Sankey diagram with Plotly, a beautiful heatmap with Datashader, a scatter plot with Seaborn, and a lightweight web app on a hosted service with Streamlit.

Breakout Sessions [30 mins]

Meet & greet

Discussion topics

Examples of first learning objectives